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One evening with Fernando Jiménez at Peña La Bulería

The series 'De peña en peña' brought the performance of Fernando Jiménez, Enrique Remache, Manuel Moneo Carrasco, Juan de la María and Fernando del Morao to this peña in Jerez. Here is an extensive audiovisual gallery of the evening.

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What happened at Peña Los Cernícalos on Saturday, February 22nd, happened again the next day at Peña La Bulería, as part of the series De peña en peña, parallel to the Festival de Jerez.

In this case there were no tributes, but a performance by bailaor Fernando Jiménez, from Jerez, who was accompanied by cantaores Enrique Remache, Manuel Moneo Carrasco and Juan de la María, and the guitar of Fernando del Morao.

Video and photos: Guido Bartolotta





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Jerez, 1991. Flamenco y comunicación las 24 horas del día. Desde 2012 en prensa escrita, tertulias radiofónicas, programas de tv, presentación de festivales, revistas especializadas... En mi familia todos bailamos por bulerías, aunque yo soy el único periodista.